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Guapa viúva e cun figo.:

[gl] Había unha muller que era viúva e tina unha filla que era moi boa moza, moi guapa, moi guapa. Pero claro, tina unha eiva que, dispensando, cagaba moitos peidos. E veu un americano de Buenos Aires, e claro, ela estaba na fiestra, e díxolle: “Ti es a filla de María”. “Son”. “?E como é que estas na fiestra, muller, ven para abaixo e imos falar un pouco”. “Ai, non, que mina nai tenme encerrada, non quere que saia”. “?E enton por que?” “Cousas dela”. Ela non quería dicir o que lle pasaba.

“?E non che deixaría vir comigo á festa?” “Ai, terás que falar con ela”. Daquela chega a senora María: “Senora María, ?como é que ten a esta filla tan guapa encerrada?” “Ai, mira, chámanlle Rosina”. “?E como a ten alí, muller?” “Pódenma maltratar e non lle deixo saír”. “?E non a deixa vir comigo á festa?”. “Pois poida que si”.
E díxolle ela: “Mira, quérete levar á festa”. “Pero mamá, eu non podo”. “Estate calada, eu heite preparar”. Foi ela e comprou figos e meteulle un corcho dun figo e marcharon á festa. E dealí a un pouco veulle un peido e alá lle vai o figo, e el agachou, colleu o figo e comeuno. Marchoulle outro peido e díxolle el: “Parece que se te va la peidera”. E dixo ela: “Es porque me comiste la tapadera”.

[es] Las grabaciones estan en traducción - si quieres ayudar - ponte en contacto conmigo!

[en] ] There was a woman who was a widow and who had a daughter who was a very good girl, very pretty, very pretty. But of course, she had one defect. She was constantly passing wind. And once a young american boy from Buenos Aires came, and of course, she was looking through the window and he saw her and said: “You are the daughter of Maria”. “Yes”. “And why are you at home, go down and let’s talk a little”. “Oh, no, my mum has locked me here and she does not want to let me out.” “So, tell me why?”. “Her stuff”. She did not want to tell him what happen to her.

“And wouldn't you come with me for a party?” “Oh, you need to talk with her.”. Then the lady Maria came. “Mrs Maria, how come that so pretty girl is locked in?” “Ai, look, her name is Rosina”. “And why you have her here?” “You could kill me, but I will not let her go out”. “And won’t you let her go for a party with me?” “Well, maybe yes”.
And then she said to the daughter: “Look, he wants to take you for a party”. “But mum, I can not”. “Calm down, we need to prepare you”. She went to the shop and bought some figs, and she put her daughter a plug of the fig so that she could go out for a party. And there, after a while, she passed the first wind and the fig fell down and he bowed, took the fig and ate it. So she passed another wind and he told her: “It seems that you are going to fart”. And she replied him: "It is because you ate my plug!”

[pl] Nagrania s¹ w t³umaczeniu - jeœli chcesz pomóc - proszê skontaktuj siê ze mn¹!



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